Conditions of Carriage

By travelling on our buses, you have deemed to have agreed to travel under these conditions. These conditions replace all previous editions and may be amended at any time.

Our Business
CT4N operates local bus services, either commercially or contractually within Greater Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Leicestershire. These services are either commercially operated or under contract.

Mission Statement
CT4N aims to address inequality of access to transport facilities in the conurbation of Nottingham. It is not only committed to the consolidation of the principal services, but to their development and expansion towards the fundamental aim of transport for all.

Further Information
We are only too pleased to be of assistance and you can contact us in the following way:

Telephone – 0115 986 3355 Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 18:00
Email –
Facebook –
Twitter -

All complaints are important to us as this allows us to identify areas where we can improve the service we provide to you and give us the opportunity to put things right.

If you wish to write to us with regards to a complaint our address is:

CT4N Ltd
Sherwood Bus Garage
Mansfield Road

Alternatively, if you wish to email us with regards to a complaint our email address is:

When contacting us please provide as much information as possible; this includes date, time, service, bus number, where you boarded the bus and details of the complaint; if you have retained your ticket please attach this to your letter of complaint as this is very useful to us.

Complaints should be received within 48 hours of the incident to allow us time to thoroughly investigate; we appreciate that you will want a prompt response and we aim to respond to all complaints within 14 working days of receipt.

Where your complaint is of a driver’s conduct, our company policy is that the exact outcome of any investigation will not be disclosed due to data protection legislation.

If you are not satisfied with the response you receive from CT4N then you can contact Bus Users UK:

Bus Users UK
Victoria Charity Centre
11 Belgrave Road

Telephone: 03000 111 0001

Feedback and Suggestions
You may want to let us know of a driver who has delivered great service or you may have a suggestion regarding our services.
We are only too pleased to hear from you and again you can write to us at:

Sherwood Bus Garage
Mansfield Road

Alternatively, if you wish to email us with regards to any feedback or suggestions our email address is:

Timetables and Provision of Service
Information regarding the services we operate can be found on our website and also by post; in addition bus timetables should be available at main bus stops and via Traveline

When changes are made to services then new timetables will be available at least two weeks before the start date via our website and Social Media platforms.

All timetables should operate to their full advertised times however there may be occasions when services can’t be operated, sections of route omitted or divert services where we are unable to operate due to severe traffic conditions, adverse weather, roadwork’s or other reasons beyond our control, for which will be noted via our website.

We reserve the right to change, suspend or withdraw a service and to change the route, bus stops or times of any service without notice or liability to you.

Where we need to make changes to service at short notice then we’ll advertise these via our website and our Social Media platforms.

CT4N will not accept responsibility for any loss of services and will not be responsible for the paying of taxis or other journey costs which may be incurred for the cancellation of any service not operated.

Getting on and off the Bus

Please ensure you arrive at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the bus is due to arrive.

Bus stops are ‘Request Stops’ therefore you should check the bus approaching has the correct route and destination displayed, clearly signal the driver as the bus approaches to let them know you wish to board – If you are in doubt ask the driver who will only be too pleased to help.

Passengers may only board/alight at recognised bus stops or places considered safe by the drivers with exception to Hails and Ride sections of route.

Hail and ride sections of route – Passengers should stand in a safe place away from parked cars to ensure the bus can pull up as close to the pavement as possible.
When you wish to get off the bus, please ring the bell once to let the driver know you wish to alight and ensure you give the driver sufficient time to slow down properly.

Once the doors open, please alight as quickly and as safely as possible.

Once the doors have closed and the bus is pulling away the driver cannot stop again this is important in Bus Stations and Terminals.

The driver is not permitted to pick up or drop off passengers whilst the bus is moving or whilst stationery in traffic or at traffic lights.

The company accepts no responsibility when customers are boarding/alighting the bus or when the bus is moving or preparing to move away.

Wheelchairs & Electric Scooters

CT4N have adopted the Confederation of Passenger Transports (CPT) Code of Practice for the use and acceptance of mobility scooters on low floor buses.

All buses operated by CT4N can accommodate wheelchairs and electric scooters
The wheelchair area is suitable for a standard reference wheelchair which has a maximum width of 700mm, a length of 1200mm, sitting height 1350mm, footrest 150mm from the floor.

Class 2 Scooters with three or four wheels will be accepted provided the user is in possession of a valid CPT Mobility Scooter permit.

Only one wheelchair or electric scooter is allowed on board at any one time.

Wheelchairs and electric scooters should be parked in the correct area with the back of the wheelchair positioned against the backrest and the brake must also be applied; where provided, the security arm must be used, and passengers must not travel sideways.

Wheelchair and electric scooter users do not have any priority over any other passenger on the bus and the designated space on the bus is available on a first come first serve basis.

If the space is already occupied and where room permits, the driver should ask other passengers on the bus to relocate to another area; legally the driver has no power to remove anyone from the vehicle.

If the designated area is occupied with another wheelchair or mobility scooter, then the intending wheelchair or electric scooter user must wait for the next bus.


All vehicles operated by CT4N can accommodate pushchairs.

Each vehicle will display how many pushchairs can be carried on board (this information is located on the outside of the vehicle next to the entrance doors)

All pushchairs must occupy the designated space on the bus.

For your child’s safety pushchairs, must not be left unattended whilst on board and the pushchair must be suitably loaded (but not overloaded) items must be removed from the handles to avoid the pushchair tipping backwards.

Passengers with pushchairs do not have any priority over any other passengers on the bus and the designated area within the bus is on a first come first served basis.

If the designated area is occupied, then any further passengers with pushchairs must either remove their child from the pushchair and place the pushchair in the luggage rack or wait for the next bus to come along.

The company accepts no responsibility for passengers who leave heavy items hanging from the handles on pushchairs which subsequently tip over.

Conduct of Passengers – Your Responsibility
Whilst travelling with us and to ensure safety for all passengers we ask that you note the following:

All passengers are carried on our services subject to the Public Service Vehicles (Conduct of Drivers, Conductors and Passengers) Regulations 1990.

Whilst on the bus you must not:

Smoke – This includes electronic and vapour cigarettes.

Smoke or inject banned substances.

Damage or deface any part of the bus.


Use a music system set at a volume that will annoy other passengers, this also includes music played from a mobile phone, laptop or handheld device.

Offend the driver or fellow passengers.

Act in a violent or abusive manner.

Obstruct the gangway.

Throw items from the bus.

Lean out of the windows.

Leave litter on the bus.

Speak to or distract the driver when the bus is in motion with exception to emergency situations.

Interfere with any equipment fitted to the bus.

Alter or deface your ticket/pass or present a ticket/pass to the driver which is knowingly defaced.

Engage in any criminal activity.

Distribute any material, sell items or canvass customers whilst on the bus.

Place feet on the seats.

Make any excessive noise by either singing, shouting or otherwise.

In the interests of health and safety you must always follow instructions either given by the signage on the bus or by a member of our staff.
Emergency doors and windows must only be used in the event of an emergency or when instructed to do so by a member of our staff.

Any passenger who is reasonably suspected by a member of our staff of contravening the Public Service Vehicles (Conduct of Drivers, Conductors and Passengers) Regulations 1990 shall give their name and address to a member of our staff on demand and may also be asked to leave or be removed from the bus.

Our staff have a right to work without any fear or intimidation, verbal abuse or physical assault is not tolerable, and we will support prosecutions against any passenger who does not adhere to this.

The driver must be alerted immediately if you see anything suspicious taking place on board the bus or a suspicious package has been left on or near the bus.

CCTV is installed on most our buses which we operate. Where fitted, CCTV is installed for customer safety and that of our staff. Conversations between the driver and customer may be recorded for supporting evidence of crime, insurance purposes, compliance of Policies and Procedures and for training staff.

The CCTV Scheme is operated by CT4N.

Dogs and other Animals

With exception to guidance/working dogs, no animals are permitted to travel on the Medilink service.

On other services, dogs will be charged a flat fare, with exception to guidance/working dogs which are carried FREE at all times.

Any dog which appears aggressive or dangerous or dirty will be refused travel.

Other small animals are carried at the discretion of the driver.

Any animal which causes a nuisance or inconvenience to other passengers may be asked to leave the bus.

Any animal travelling must be kept under appropriate control (i.e. on a lead or in a cage)

The company accepts no responsibility for any loss or injury sustained to any animals whilst being carried.

Animals are not allowed on the seats and are liable for any injury or damage caused by their animal.
The driver has a right to refuse at their sole discretion any item of property being bought onto the bus which they consider to be unsuitable for carriage; this is not an exhaustive list but includes the following:

Explosive, hazardous or combustible materials.

Uncovered tins of paint, thinners or other similar liquids.

Sheets of glass.

Non-folding bicycles.

Any items which could/would cause offence or injury to other passengers or staff.

An item likely to cause damage to the bus.

Any item of excessive size.

Luggage must not be left in the main gangway of the bus or obstruct any emergency exit points.

All luggage remains the responsibility throughout of the passenger.

The company accepts no responsibility for injury caused to any passenger whilst carrying luggage.

The company will not carry luggage/parcels which have been left unattended and items left on board the bus (which could cause a security risk) may be destroyed by the Police.

Food & Drink
Food is not permitted to be consumed on any of our vehicles.

No drinks are permitted on any of our vehicles except water.

Alcoholic drinks are not permitted to be consumed on any of our vehicles.

Lost Property
CT4N complies with the Public Service Vehicles (Lost Property Amendment) Regulations 1995 and copies of our Lost Property Procedure is available on request.

Any lost property which has been left on a bus and discovered by a passenger must be handed to the driver immediately.

Any lost property which has been found on any of our buses will be returned to the depot by the end of each operating day.

In the event of losing an item of property, then please contact us on 0115 986 3355.

For important items, such as purse, handbags, mobile phones or portable devices upon a call being received on 0115 986 3355, we will arrange for a radio call to our drivers to look for the item.

When contacting us with regards to lost property please have as much detail as possible to assist us such as route, time of travel, direction of travel where you were sitting, and which bus stop you boarded/alighted.

All items of lost property are saved for one calendar month and then disposed of
Any lost property which are perishable, these include (milk, frozen items, meat) will be disposed of by the time our offices close each day.

We reserve the right to open, examine and destroy any items of lost property at our sole discretion.

If you are collecting items of lost property, then full contact details are required along with proof of identity.

Any item of lost property which hasn’t been collected within one calendar months will be donated to a local charity.

Paying Your Fare
All tickets and prices can be found on our website at

The company will accept all legal tender for the payment of fares; this includes notes and coins issued by the Bank of England, Royal Bank of Scotland and Clydesdale Bank.

Please ensure that you check your change before sitting down as mistakes can’t be rectified later.

Due to possible forgery, our drivers will not accept any notes higher in value than £20 which should cover most customers’ requirements in any eventuality.

We accept debit or credit cards as payment for travelling.

When tendering for your fare please ensure that you tell the driver where you are travelling to.

Please take your ticket as proof of payment and if there is any error on the ticket that you inform the driver immediately as errors can’t be rectified at a later point.

Please retain your ticket throughout the whole of the journey in case it is required for inspection.

Tickets are not transferable between passengers and can only be used by the person who has purchased the ticket.

Children under the age of 5 travel free, always with any fare paying adult passenger.

Passengers between the ages of 5 - 18 inclusive travel for a reduced fare at any time.
Student and Under 22 tickets are available for purchase on most services, these fares where applicable are advertised on our website.

Paper Tickets
A full range of paper tickets are available to purchase from our driver when boarding the bus for which these can be paid for with cash, card, contactless payments.
Online Tickets
There are a range of tickets which can be purchased from our website and available for travel on the service for which they are intended to be used. This includes weekly and seasonal tickets.

Robin Hood Tickets & Passes
The Robin Hood Network is a partnership offering easy, accessible, smart travel across a network of bus, tram and train operators, for which CT4N is a partner of the scheme.

Robin Hood tickets and passes are valid on any of our services that operate within the Robin Hood Boundary.

For further information regarding the Robin Hood Network, then visit the website:

Concessionary Cards
CT4N accepts all valid concessionary travel permits/cards between the permitted hours of use and in accordance with the National Scheme and any local scheme conditions. If you are unsure of concessionary cards or require a replacement, then please contact your council for details.

If you wish to travel using your concessionary card, simply present your card to the on-bus reader located next to the driver.

For further information regarding concessionary cards, then visit the website:

CT4N abides by the following rules and regulations

The Road Traffic Act 1972
The Public Passengers Act 1981
The Public Service Vehicle (Carrying Capacity) (Amendment) Regulation 1996
The Public Service Vehicles (Conduct of Drivers, Conductors and Passengers) Regulations 1990 amended 2002
The Public Service Vehicles Accessibility Regulations 2000
The Health Act 2006
The Public Service Vehicles (Lost Property) Regulations 1978
The Data Protection Act 1998

Help and Advice
CT4N Ltd
Sherwood Bus Garage
Mansfield Road

Telephone 0115 986 3355 – 08:00 until 18:00 Monday to Friday only
Your Data
Last updated 12th December 2024.

What we collect
Dependent on the service you use, we may collect basic personal data about you like your name, postal address, telephone number and email address. This might be to register you as a member with us or keep in touch about your bookings. If we want to use this information to send you marketing or communications, we’ll ask you first.

Sometimes we will collect other information about you such as your date of birth, travel needs or mobility issues; this is to help us with processing your booking, improving our service or collating information for anonymous reporting to funders or partners. We’ll be really clear when we’re asking for this information. You don’t have to disclose any of this information to visit our website or use the link bus network, but we may not be able to provide you with certain services without it.

Marketing and communications
We want to keep in touch with people interested in our services. With your consent, we will store your personal data to provide you with information, updates and promotions about us.

If you’ve provided your details to us for another reason, and have asked not to be contacted with marketing and communications, we’ll store your details with an explicit reference not to contact you in this way.

How we collect your information
We collect your personal information in a number of ways:

When you provide it to us directly, e.g. through an online form, via email or over the phone.
When you provide permission to other organisations to share it with us (including Facebook or Twitter)

When we collect it as you use our websites or apps.

When you have given it to a third party, and you have provided permission to pass your information on to us.

From publicly available sources.

Occasionally, we may pay for contact details. Before we purchase contact information, we’ll check the wording used when your information was originally collected, to make sure that we only contact people who have actively expressed an interest in receiving information from third parties.

When you give permission for organisations to share your data, you should check their privacy policies to understand how they will process your data.

Online forms
We use online forms to process bookings, enquiries and e-communication subscribers. When you submit your information to us through a form on our website you are consenting to us storing your information for these purposes. The details you provide are sent to us securely. They are not stored on the website.

Sharing your information with third parties
We will never sell or rent your personal information to other organisations.

We might share relevant parts of your information with agents and contractors approved by us in the following circumstances:

When we use other companies to provide services on our behalf, e.g. processing, web design, graphic design, mailing or delivering orders, answering customers’ questions about products or services, sending mail and emails, customer analysis, assessment and profiling, when using auditors/advisors or processing credit/debit card payments.

If we receive a complaint about any content, you have posted or transmitted to or from one of our sites.

If we run an event in partnership with other named organisations. We will be very clear what will happen to your data when you register.

If we merge with another organisation to form a new entity.

We may share statistics about our site visitors, supporters, customers and sales to describe our services and operations to prospective partners, advertisers and other reputable organisations but these statistics won’t include any personally identifying information.

We disclose information to third parties or individuals when obliged to by law, for purposes of national security, taxation and criminal investigations and for other lawful purposes.

We disclose information to safeguarding boards in cases where a safeguarding concern or alert is required, in line with safeguarding legislation.

A lot of the personal data we obtain is processed by our staff in the UK. However, for the purposes of IT hosting and maintenance, some file exchange and storage, and email marketing, your information may be situated outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). This will be done in accordance with guidance issued by the Information Commissioner’s Office. For third parties which we currently use and who store your data outside of the EEA, details are provided below.

Legitimate interests
There are a number of lawful reasons that mean we can use (or ‘process’) your personal information. One lawful reason is something called ‘legitimate interests’. Broadly speaking Legitimate Interests means we can process your personal information if:

We have a genuine and legitimate reason.

We are not harming any of your rights and interests.

Retaining your information
If you decide to unsubscribe from communications with us, or you stop using our services, we will keep some basic information to avoid duplication and so that we stop sending you unwanted communications.

Cookies and Google Analytics
We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small files placed on your computer or machine’s hard drive, or in your browser memory, when you visit our website. We place them there to improve your user experience of the site. Many websites use cookies and do so to improve the user experience by enabling that website to ‘remember’ you, but not identify you.

We also use Cookies to inform Google Analytics. Google Analytics logs details of visitor behaviour patterns. This information is processed in a way which does not identify anyone.

You can choose to disable cookies through your browser and you can opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites at

Emails sent to us
Any email sent to us, including any attachments, may be monitored and used by us.

Email monitoring or blocking software may also be used. Of course, you have a responsibility to ensure that any email you send to us is within the bounds of the law.

Data Protection Officer
You can find out if we hold any of your personal information, make changes to information we hold, or ask for your data to be deleted. This must be done in writing and addressed to our Data Protection Officer at URM Consulting whose details are:

URM Consulting
Blake House
Manor Park
Manor Farm Road